Grievance Redressal


IRIS-Corp is aware that there may be times when employees and/or it’s external business associates need to file an official grievance about any unjust treatment, harassment, and/or health and safety concerns in the workplace. Managers and senior management should know everything that concerns employees and/or it’s associates, if any hinders occurred in their work atmosphere, so they can resolve it as quickly as possible. Hence, aggrieved person should be able to follow a fair grievance procedure to be heard and for avoiding any conflicts or biasness.

The purpose of this grievance policy is to;

(a) explain the scope and nature of grievances,

(b) outline the process for resolving the alleged grievance,

(c) define the company's confidentiality measures, and

(d) describe the disciplinary action steps for policy violations.


This policy is applicable to all IRIS-Corp employees and it’s external business associates


We define grievance as any complaint, problem or concern of an employee/external associates regarding their workplace, job or co-worker relationships.

Employees/external business associates can file grievances for any of the following reasons:

  • If they have been victims of workplace harassment.
  • If their health and safety have been compromised.
  • If they have witnessed poor supervisory and/or management behavior.
  • If there are unjust changes made to the engagement agreement.
  • If policy guidelines are infringed.
  • If there is a dispute between co-workers and/or management.
  • If they have noticed any child and forced labour involvement in company working.


  • Reach out to their direct line manager/SPOC person or HR department
  • File a grievance form explaining the situation in detail
  • Appeal on any formal decision
  • Use Complaint/Suggestion box


  • Receive a copy of the allegations levelled against them
  • Respond to the allegations and a fair hearing
  • Appeal on any formal decision


Before filing an official grievance complaint, IRIS-Corp recommends to all the employees/external associates to read and review this policy that may directly impacts their complaint.

IRIS-Corp encourages to talk to each other to resolve their small disputes with the help of their managers, and a human resource (HR) department representative. When this is not possible, the employees/associates may file a formal grievance.

  • Communicate informally with their direct line manager's. The managers will try to resolve the problem. When employees/associates want to complain about their managers, they should first try to discuss the matter and resolve it between them. In that case, they are advised to request an informal meeting. Managers should try to resolve any grievance as quickly as possible. When they are unable to do so, they should refer to the HR department and cooperate with all other procedures.
  • If the grievance relates to a direct line manager’s behavior that can bring disciplinary action (e.g., harassment or violence), employees/associates should refer directly to the HR department or the next level manager.

The HR department (or any appropriate person in the absence of an HR department) should follow the procedure below:

  • Ask employee/associates to fill out a Grievance form (Annex).
  • Talk with the employee/associates to ensure the matter is understood completely.
  • Provide the employee/associate who faces allegations with a copy of the grievance.
  • Organize mediation procedure.
  • Investigate the matter or ask the help of an investigator when needed.
  • Keep employees/associates informed throughout the resolutions process.
  • Communicate the formal decision to all employees/associates involved.
  • Take actions to ensure the formal decision is adhered to.
  • Keep accurate records.

This procedure may vary according to the nature of a grievance. For example, if an employee/associate is found guilty of racial discrimination, the company will initiate disciplinary procedures against him.


  • SUGGESTION BOX: Any anonymous complaints, suggestion box is placed at entry gate of the office
  • OPEN-DOOR POLICY: At IRIS-Corp we believe in employee empowerment and equal right for all employees. Open door policy refers to open communication and transparency that allows all the employees to be in touch with the senior management to get their grievances redressal.
  • SURVEYS: IRIS-Corp uses employee satisfaction surveys in understanding different employee opinions regarding workplace. It is conducted periodically in the form of questionnaires and self-report measures.
    The employees/external associates may register his/her query/ complaint/issues to the Company which shall be addressed by the Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO) in connection with any matter pertaining to business practices, or any other matter which is directly linked with the company. The details of the Grievance Redressal Officer are given as follows:

Name of the Grievance Redressal Officer: Mr. Krishan Kartik

Email id:

Address: IRIS-Corp Solutions Pvt Ltd, Building No 81, Sector 44, Gurugram -122003, India.

If the complaint is not resolved within 15 working days, the aggrieved person shall complain to the CEO/CFO/Director of the Company:

Name: Mr. Sanjay Kapoor

Email id:

Address: IRIS-Corp Solutions Pvt Ltd, Building No 81, Sector 44, Gurugram -122003, India.

Policy Revision:

This policy is subject to revision based on the extant company policy from time to time.

Grievance Redressal Form

(To be filled by applicant)

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