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Terms Of Use


VISITORS TO THIS SITE SHOULD TAKE NOTE THAT ACCESS TO THE contents of this website is restricted to those who accept, without reservation, all the terms & conditions given below. After carefully reading and understanding these contents of conditions, users must convey their acceptance by clicking on the “I ACCEPT” button given at the bottom, failing which access to the site will be denied..

This website and the contents there of are the sole property of IRIS CORPORATE SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED (here in after referred to as “IRIS-Corp”). IRIS-Corp reserves the right to alter / modify or enlarge any or all these terms and conditions of this Website without any notice. If any user does not agree with any or all these terms and conditions, he / she is free to discontinue using this website.

Copyrights :

The compilations, images and text contained in the website and displayed therein are the exclusive property of IRIS-Corp. Any unauthorized use of such images or text shall be deemed as an infringement of copyrights.

Trademarks :

IRIS-Corp is the trade & business and service mark of the IRIS Corporate Solutions Private Limited and the same is duly registered with the appropriate registration authority. IRIS-Corp has the other trade and service mark shown inside of this website which is yet under registration process. IRIS-Corp claims all the rights of the trademark and service mark or logo used and referred herein this website as the sole property of the IRIS-Corp.

Limitations of Usage :

Users who accept these terms and conditions of IRIS-Corp’s website, may visit this website for personal and non-commercial purposes only. It is submitted that the text and images contained in this website are not illegal and viewers are not bound by any law while viewing the said contents & images. However, no part of this website may be further distributed, circulated, sold, published, broadcast or used in any print or electronic media without the express written consent of IRIS-Corp. Access of this site and the informations provided therein do not in any manner constitute any offer to sell or lease the contents of the site. Further, users hereby agree not to harm, deface, hack or interpolate this site or post any objectionable material that may infringe the legal, moral, personal or constitutional rights of any individual or group.

Limitations of Liability :

IRIS-Corp disclaims any liability whatsoever resulting out from the use of this site. Since the contents of this website are intended only for personal use, IRIS-Corp is not bound to entertain any claim relating to any actual or perceived loss arising from supposedly offensive, threatening or illegal contents, negligence, breach, fraud, infringement of rights including intellectual property rights, interest, acts, things and deeds without limitation to any other party for direct, indirect, incidental, special consequential, punitive, exemplary, delay or any other damages arising in any manner out of the use or operation of this site, or inability to use the information in this site, even if the IRIS-Corp and its authorized representatives are advised of the possibilities of such losses and damages. IRIS-Corp shall not be liable for any content or information sent by using this site by any other persons or third party. IRIS-Corp shall also be not responsible for any authorized or unauthorized use or modification in your data record sent and received into this site. In case these conditions are not acceptable to you, please do not access the site.

Disclaimers of Warranties :

The website of IRIS-Corp provides its contents, images and information on the basis of “as is” and “as available” without any kind of warranty in respect to this site or any linked site with this site either expressed or implied. IRIS-Corp hereby disclaims all types of warranties including, but not limited to any warranty related to availability, non-infringement, accuracy, benefits of the uses of information, reliability, implied warranties of verity and merchantability and trustworthy for specific purpose, prevailing trade practice. This disclaimer of warranty made by IRIS-Corp hereby declares that the IRIS-Corp shall not be liable for any damages due to any error, omission, deletion, or defect in the contents or any failure of the operation and performance, eradication of any record, unauthorized use of the site, modifications, alterations, defamation and breach. IRIS-Corp also assumes no responsibility in case of any viruses assault in the site and also does not guarantee that the site will be free from, worms, bugs or anything else obvious or devastating to the viewer’s property.

Others Links :

At this site you may be able to link with some other websites which are not the associates of IRIS-Corp. However, such links are not maintained, managed or controlled by IRIS-Corp in any manner and therefore, IRIS-Corp hereby disclaims the liability for the contents, texts, photographs, pictures, products, services offered and any other materials of such linked sites and further any website linked to that such website. IRIS-Corp neither recommends nor endorses any such contents, products, services, information or materials contained in linked sites, nor assumes liability for non-operation of services or authenticity of information advertised at said third party sites. It shall be your absolute obligation to comply with the required terms and conditions of that linked website. The privacy policies of third parties have nothing to do with the privacy policy of IRIS-Corp. IRIS-Corp retains the exclusive rights to delete, add, decline, alter, modify and remove without any communication to any link site from its website.

Amendmemtns :

The website of IRIS-Corp is reviewed periodically and we reserve the right to make any amendment, changes, modifications, revisions, updates etc. While adequate precautions have been taken to vet the informations and contents before posting, IRIS-Corp assumes no responsibility for any unintentional or inadvertent typographical error or wrong interpretation of any content or image.

Suggestions :

We welcome all legitimate suggestion from our website visitors. All suggestions or information sent to IRIS-Corp shall automatically become our property and can be used by us in our future updates. We assume no responsibility of confidentiality those suggestions, except where a prior agreement exists being direct customer relationship.

Additional Terms :

Many portions/text and pages of this site may be containing additional terms and conditions which are in continuation to these terms and conditions and same shall form part and parcel of this clause. In case of any contradictions appearing between the two, the said additional terms and conditions may be read and considered in relation to the said portion/text and pages wherever they appeared. Users hereby agree to abide by any other restrictions or directions communicated or implied before or during use of this site together with updated terms & conditions from time to time.

Restrictions :

Use of IRIS-Corp website is not permitted in countries / places where such use is prohibited by local laws. We assume no liability if any individual / entities contravene such laws or regulations.

Children :

This website of IRIS-Corp is not intended for persons below 18 years of age. Since it is not possible to restrict access to anyone, IRIS-Corp strongly advocates that users under 18 years of age should seek prior permission of their parents, caretakers, teachers, or guardian to use this website.

Governing Laws :

The use of this website shall be governed under the prevailing laws in India.

Jurisdiction :

The above terms and conditions are subject to the statutory rules, regulation, and law prevailing in India and only the courts in Delhi shall have the exclusive jurisdiction in case of any contravention or dispute arise out of the use of this website.

IRIS-Corp welcomes you to access this website by accepting the above terms and conditions.

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